Wednesday 24 October 2012


Good-day my Brothers and Sisters

Have you ever wondered why you should attend every church service and programme organised by the local assembly? some of these programmes are organised irrespective of their weekly activities. Sometimes one wonders if its even possible to attend all these activities year in year out. 'Is it even necessary', some may ask?

One is tempted to ask if there is anything new that we go to church to learn, after all, it is the same Bible those Born in Christian home have been hearing right from Sunday school days. We attend crusades and various programmes in diverse places; it is the same Bible, so one wonders if there is anything new in the Church. Why all the stress? Why cant we have time for other things instead of this tiring, non Church attendance?

Looking at these issues and many more, as sisters, humanly speaking one will conclude that this is a valid question, Why Attend Church? After all our responsibilities increase by the day as we grow older. Women have all kind of activities and commitments in their various families, so much that the stress of going to church can be burdensome, talk less of other organised programmes in the church. For example as a Lady;
1. You must appear presentable at all times in order to find a "Mr. Right". So you have to look for money, go to saloon, beautify yourself and so on.

2. As an unmarried Woman or Lady, you must appear for your future home by getting some thongs ready. This is a burden that is capable of taking someone's attention.

3. We have to take care of our homes and our Husbands must be comfortable so that we do not loose them to desperate women out there. This also is a serious work that takes our attention and could hinder us from attending church.

4. Some women even see their children as enough reasons for not attending church. they complain that they do not have a nanny.

5. Office work is another complaint people have. their schedules are so demanding that they do not even have time for themselves how much more church programs.

6. Some businesses have also become obstacles for some people in becoming committed to church attendance.

7. Some people say because they do not have a job, they have no money to pay transportation.

Every day of the week has so many "genuine" reasons why people do not go to church. You have to ask yourself a simple question, "Why Must I Attend Church Programmes?" Anything that you do not have a reason for, will lose its value and not attract any commitment from you.

we must all understand that in as much as we may have read the Bible from cover to cover, we've been in church for many years, fro many years might have attended Bible schools, read many Christian literatures, you may even have a satellite dish and television set watching great men and women of God daily; non of these activities is good enough to supplement or even be compared to attending your local church.

Remember that just as God planned your life according to Psalms 139:15, 16, He also programmed that you should be shepherded through certain people.

Every thing you need to make you the successful Christian that you need to become has been entrusted and made available where God connected you to be a sheep. Where you are is by divine direction and commission. You are not a member of your by accident. Nothing just happens. God will only make available what you need for your betterment in Christianity through your shepherd;
And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. (Jer. 3:1-5) anytime you miss any church programme you can be rest assured that you have made a subtraction from what God prepared for you God is not un-aware of our busy schedules. 
He knows human beings will be occupied with so many activities, yet he warned against neglecting the gathering of the believers, in Hebrew 10:25. Refusal to attend church is a bad habit that God detests. It was only when the disciples and other believers continued in daily fellowship that God added to them. (Acts 2:42-43) you can only enjoy divine addition when you take church attendance seriously. Being in fellowship with other believers provokes the presence of God. 
Matthew 18:20 says; “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them.” Thomas doubted what he was told about Jesus because he was not in fellowship the day Jesus appeared, and it has become a permanent identity for him; people always refer to others who doubted as “doubting Thomas.” (John 20:19-29). 
Thomas was tagged this way because he was not in church the day Jesus visited. Maybe the day you fail to be in church will be the day Jesus will visit. I am not sure if the believers who missed who missed fellowship on Pentecost day received the blessing of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. We must all take seriously our church attendance because:- 1. Attending church is a command from God. So when we do, we express our obedience to God. (Hebrews 10:24-25). 2. Attending church is a Christian duty; therefore when you do not attend you are neglecting your responsibility. (Hebrews 10:25). 3. 
Avoiding church activities and programmes is a bad habit and bad habits destroy. When you do not attend church you are destroying yourself. (Hebrews 10:25). 4. God will always visit people in a cooperate fellowship. Where two or three are gathered in my name Jesus says, “I will be there” (matt. 18:20). 5. Attending church programmes and activities makes you you accountable to your spiritual leaders and vice versa. (Hebrews 13:17) “obey your spiritual leadersand be willing to do what they say. For their work is to watch over your souls, and God will judge them on how well they do this. Give them reasons to report joyful about you to the Lord and not with sorrow, for then you will suffer for it too.” 
When you continue attending church, it is an indication that you are completely submissive to your spiritual leader. You cannot be submissive when you attend different churches every week. Pastors know committed members by the way they attend church and they stand more for these faithful people that attend church than casual members. 6. Attending church activities provides fellowship with other believers. 
A right relationship with God requires both “vertical” and “horizontal” alignment. To be on the winning way, you need to be consistent, dedicated, faithful and continuous church attending person. Make sure you take highly all church programmes. Being on the winning way, grants you wisdom to handle the difficult situation around you so that you can prioritize your service to God Our lives need to be transformed day by day due to the church activities and programmes. 
When you see a Christian running from church to church or is not interested in church programmes, giving all kind of excuses, the devil is at work in such a life. Not long such a person will start finding faults with preachers and pastors because of the diverse teachings they hear and they may eventually stay at home, complaining about so many things. Such a Christian is on a defeat track and soon will not have a winning way. 
NOTE however that, if you are in a church, where you do not notice any change in conformity to the bible, this advice does not apply to you.
Stay Tuned and remain Jesus Name

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